Saturday, August 9, 2008

Learn More about Gangs

Learn More about Gangs

Gangs can be organized around race or ethnic group, money making activities, or territory.
Gangs usually claim a particular area of town which they call their "turf.” They spend much of their time fighting rival gangs to keep them out of this territory.
Most gang members are males ranging in age from 8 to 22 years old. Females, especially Asian and Hispanic, are moving away from the traditional role of being merely girlfriends of gang members and are forming their own gangs.
Gangs wear particular items, styles, brands, or colors of clothing. Some gangs wear bandannas of a certain color or baseball caps of a specific team. Some gangs mark their bodies with tattoos with their gang symbol or name.
Gangs often use special hands signs or handshakes to tell others the gang to which they belong.
"Gangsta” rap paints a realistic picture of daily gang activity. The lyrics glorify violence, abuse of women, and disrespect for authority, especially the police.
Contrary to what you may think, gangs are not around to help you. These groups of young people break the law, beat up people, and murder.

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