Sunday, July 27, 2008


Origin: In 1979, Carlos Torres Iriarte a.k.a. "Carlos La Sombra" (The Shadow), an inmate at La Princesa (The Princess) Correctional Facility on the Island of Puerto Rico, organized the inmates under the "Association Neta". He created this association in an attempt to create a power base to enact prisons rights and stop the abuses that the gangs known as 27 or Insectos were implementing. Carlos La Sombra died for his cause on a basketball court while being detained in a Puerto Rico Correctional facility. The Association Neta membership thrived and became the most feared prison gang on the Island of Puerto Rico, NYDC started to identify and track the Neta Association in the late 1980's on Rikers Island. Association became an extremely violent gang and was involved in multiple gang-related incidents. Membership:Majority Hispanic Males. Some Females do participate their age range from 14-50 years of age. This organization ultimately will accept any race or religion. They will even accept alternative life style and mental observation housed inmates within a correctional facility. Identifiers:Hand salute: Crossing two fingers Colors worn: Black, White and Red Tattoos: Using the word Neta or their hand saluteNeta Association follows a strict set of rules and regulations. There are 25 rules and regulations that are strictly enforced.These rules are known as "Norms".Neta members come together in observance of their fallen members on the 30th of each month.Organization: Established hierarchy including a President, Vice President, Recruiter, Secretary, Sergeant Oat Arms and Enforces.

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